1 May, 2022
Pink Alliance
Pink Alliance

Sassy Supports: Pink Alliance

1 May, 2022
Pink Alliance

Advancing dignity, acceptance and equal rights for people of different sexual orientations…

sassy supports logoThis month we’re shining a light on Pink Alliance, a local charity organisation promoting equal rights for LGBT+ people in Hong Kong. Acting as a link between organisations and individuals that support its cause, the charity has been a powerful catalyst for unity and collaboration in the local LGBT+ community.

The LGBT+ scene is certainly growing in strength thanks to the effort of organisations such as Pink Alliance, but there is still a long way to go before we will see an end to discrimination in the cityWe spoke to Jerome Yau, Pink Alliance’s Vice Chair and CEO, about the charity organisation and how we can support its cause.

Read more: Where To Volunteer In Hong Kong: Nonprofits, Charities & Social Enterprises

Tell us about your charity. What does Pink Alliance do?

Pink Alliance is a non-profit LGBT+ organisation, whose mission is to advance dignity, acceptance and equal rights for people of different sexual orientations and gender identities in Hong Kong through community engagement and public education.

We were built on the momentum created by the Tongzhi Community Joint Meeting, an alliance of LGBTQI+ groups formed in 1999 on the back of Hong Kong’s first LGBTQI+ festival. TCJM evolved into an organisation in its own right. In 2011, we rebranded as Pink Alliance, and in 2017 we became a registered charity.

Aside from our advocacy and educational efforts, we organise Asia’s premier LGBTQI+ festival Pink Season, monthly professional networking event Fruits in Suits, and commemorative events for the annual International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT).

Pink Alliance - Pink Season

Why should we care?

Despite a series of legal victories, LGBTQI+ people continue to face discrimination in their daily lives. For example, there is no protection from unjust dismissal in the workplace if an employee comes out and is fired by his or her employer. And when it comes to same-sex relationships, Hong Kong does not recognise gay marriage or civil partnership.

Also, transgender individuals face considerable hurdles in affirming their gender identities. In a nutshell, there is unequal treatment in law, and this goes against the shared values of Hongkongers – equality and justice.

Pink Alliance - Parade

How can we help?

Whether you are able to commit to a long-term position as a recruiting officer, assist in organising the next Pink Season, or are keen to volunteer in your spare time, offering your skills as a photographer, videographer, or translator, there are many opportunities to support the work of Pink Alliance. Those are just a few examples of how you can help. For more information head to our website or email info@pinkalliance.hk to show your interest.

Pink Alliance, info@pinkalliance.hk, www.pinkalliance.hk

Editor’s Note: Charities are constantly looking for volunteers, donations and support – and they need it now more than ever. To help them during this difficult time, we’re putting a spotlight on a different charity each month. If you’re a charity, or know of one that could use a shout-out, feel free to reach out to us at sassy@sassyhongkong.com and we’ll try our best to feature them in one of our upcoming Sassy Supports!

All images courtesy of Pink Alliance.

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